Associated Student Body Goals

VVC ASB Digital Seal


Each year, the 18 elected student council members commit themselves to representing the study body’s interests in a fashion they feel will enhance the “caring” student experience found at Victor Valley College. Ongoing support from VVC faculty, staff, administration, and past ASB Council members allows them to continue their road to success. While completion of their personal educational goals are of primary concern, they desire to maintain and further a strong sense of pride in the cultural, political, and academic achievements of the VVC community.



Victor Valley College Associated Student Body Council

2022–2023 Goals


1. ASB will work with the President's Cabinet to ensure VVC Students have access to a wellness center that provides innovative mental health resources on campus.

2. ASB will assist and support civic engagement by providing voter registration information, in association with the VVC Office of Public Information and Marketing

3. ASB will represent the interest of our students by attending the President's Cabinet Consultation meeting monthly to address students' concerns including but not
limited to:
- Support to increase academic success and student
- Issues pertaining to campus and parking lot safety.
- Increasing technology accessibility and support.

4. ASB will host a variety of events including multi-cultural and LGBTQI+events to foster a greater sense of community, acceptance, and inclusion through increased student

5. The Associated Student Body challenges the VVC Administration to match ASB funding to increase the number of recycling bins.

6. ASB will work with Facilities Management to ensure all restrooms on campus are sanitary and in compliance with local, state, federal, and ADA guidelines including but not
limited to:
- Feminine Hygiene Products
- Wheelchair Accessibility
- Diaper Changing Stations
(Reference:AB 367 MEA of 2021)

7. ASB will work with the Deputy Superintendent/Vice President of Administrative Services to provide students the opportunity to buy year-round parking permits.

8. Acknowledging the importance of communication between Victor Valley College and students, the ASB will promote an awareness of student resources, activities,
and connections that will better serve them.

Adopted: July 14, 2022